7214CTRDUMP3 NSK Super Precision Bearings

How do 41,275 Width (mm) I place an EMERGENCY order for a 7214CTRDUMP3 NSK Super Precision Bearings China Komatsu Hydraulic Final Drive Motor Supplier that I 3,72 Kg Weight want to pick up at 0.0 Inventory a our store?

Brand Name: NSK
Model Number: 7214CTRDUMP3
Width (mm): 41,275
Weight: 3,72 Kg
Inventory: 0.0
Characteristic cage frequency, FTF: 0.45 Hz
D: 168,275 mm
Mass: 3.72 kg
Basic static load rating (C0): 340 kN
Weight / Kilogram: 3.779

Product Details

Width (mm) 41,275
Weight 3,72 Kg
Inventory 0.0
Characteristic cage frequency, FTF 0.45 Hz
D 168,275 mm
Mass 3.72 kg
Basic static load rating (C0) 340 kN
Weight / Kilogram 3.779
Calculation factor (e) 0,47
d1 133.5 mm
Db 160 mm
Manufacturer Name NTN
Bore Diameter (mm) 95,25
Max operating temperature, Tmax 120 °C
Minimum Buy Quantity N/A
Rating life coefficient, A2 1.4
T 41,275 mm
db 106 mm
Y2 1.28
ra max 3.5 mm
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